

SemesterSummer 2024
Course typeLecture + Exercises
LecturerProf. Dr. Thorsten Strufe, Prof. Dr. Hannes Hartenstein, Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller Quade, TT.-Prof. Dr. Wressnegger
AudienceInformatik Bachelor
Credits5 ECTS
Room10.21 Carl-Benz-Hörsaal and 10.21 Carl-Benz-Hörsaal
RegistrationTBA (registration is only necessary for the final exam)


The lecture covers the basics of a wide variety of IT Security concepts. We introduce the fundamentals of cryptography, authentication, network security, privacy, and systems security. The lecture's contents include symmetric and asymmetric crypto schemes, implementation details on SSL and TLS, attacks and defenses in web security, and vulnerabilities in software.

Intellisec will contribute and exciting unit on Web Security!


Mon, 17. AprilUnit 1: Introduction
Mon, 03. JuneUnit 9: Web Security
Thu, 06. June→ Exercises: Web Security
Thu, 22. JulyUnit 14: Conclusion and Outro
Fri, 28. August (11:00-13:00)Written Exam